This Code of Conduct should be applied in good faith with reasonable business judgment to enable Enactus to achieve its mission within the framework of the laws of each participating country. It applies to all individuals participating in the Enactus program in any capacity (including, but not limited to, Enactus employees, Enactus student team members and Faculty Advisers, judges at Enactus competitions, and members of the Enactus Boards and Advisory Boards). These individuals will be referred to as participants within this Code of Conduct.
Key Beliefs Applicable to all Participants
Enactus expects that all participants shall treat one another, and all people, with dignity and respect. We will value the differences of diverse individuals from around the world. Abusive, harassing or offensive conduct is unacceptable, whether verbal, physical or visual. This would prohibit any participant at any time from physically or verbally abusing another person; from using excessive profane language or vulgar gestures; from demeaning or belittling another person or making derogatory comments about his or her race, sex, religion, age, disability, national origin or sexual orientation; and from engaging in conduct intended, or so reckless as to be likely, to cause harm to another.
Enactus expects all participants to demonstrate honesty and integrity in their statements and actions. All Enactus participants shall adhere to honesty, fairness and “doing the right thing” without compromise, even when circumstances make it difficult.
As a participant in Enactus your actions are always a reflection of both Enactus Australia and the Enactus worldwide organization.
Enactus Australia Code of Conduct
These standards apply to Enactus employees and Enactus Australia university teams and individual Enactus team members.
During any local, regional, national and international activities, events, or competitions Australian participants in the Enactus program represent Enactus Australia, their university if applicable, and their country. As such you are required to abide by the following conditions both during the formal activities of the program of events, as well as at additional informal events or activities where Enactus participants are gathered.
- Adhere to the general Enactus Code of Conduct.
- Adhere to the laws of the relevant State/Country in which the program is being conducted. This is especially important in relation to laws relating to drugs, alcohol, discrimination, and harassment.
- Ensure that you attend all your scheduled events.
- Behave in a business-like and courteous manner.
- Dress appropriately for the program.
- Maintain all confidentiality requirements that may be related to your projects.
- Ensure there is no Conflict of Interest in relation to your projects.
(eg. where projects provide a direct material benefit to an individual or the team)
I accept the above conditions and understand that failure to comply may result in disciplinary action, which can include removal from the program, withdrawal of prizes and rewards and reimbursement of financial outlays provided by Enactus Australia on your behalf.