Project Report Form

This Project Report Form is for any/all projects your teams are working on. if you have additional projects use the link at the bottom of this Form to fill in additional report forms. Be sure to only report on information and impact relevant to the impact you made in the 12 months prior to the current National Championships, do not include anything from previous years or projections for next year.

General Information

details of the person submitting this form on behalf of the team.
Which of the following describes you

Team Information

The following questions are all related to your team - students, faculty advisors, BAB, Alumni, partners etc
Downloadable via the Student Handbook page on our website, then upload here.
Max. file size: 10 MB.

Social Media & Promotional Details

Provide any links to social media platforms used to promote your team and project.
If different to the Team/Club Website

Sources of Revenue

Please indicate the amount of AUD$ in revenue provided to your team from the following. Example $110.50 should simply be entered as 110.50

Project Details

If you have more than 1 project you will need to fill in the form for each project, link provided at the end of this Form.
Project Status
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Which of the options below describes how your team & project is organised?

Does your project involve external partners?
If yes, ensure you include them in the Team Details spreadsheet.

Metrics - general impact

Total number of individuals directly impacted by this project.

Metrics - Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) specific

SDGs addressed by your project:
Step 1: Select the top three (3) SDGs primarily addressed by your project.  Step 2: Then, fill out the corresponding metrics for those SDGs below.  Step 3: you can fill out any other relevant SDG metric listed; at minimum you must fill in the ones corresponding to your top 3 SDGs listed in step 1.  Definitions and criteria for certain metrics can be found in the Project Report Form Guide.  Note: If you are filling this in for a New or Early-Stage project, please calculate the impact numbers to the best of your ability. If no impact has been made in a required metric, please indicate that by inputting a zero in the corresponding box.
These photos will be used to promote your team and projects on an ongoing basis.
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, png, Max. file size: 500 MB, Max. files: 8.
    Enactus Australia